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Online Portal Use by the Elderly Rising in Legal & Medical Industries

SimplyConvert Sep 17, 2024
Online Portal Use by the Elderly Rising in Legal & Medical Industries Featured Image; Older Woman on Phone


Online portal use among the elderly, specifically in the medical industry, has skyrocketed since the COVID-19 pandemic.

Research indicates that the majority of elderly individuals now both use and prefer online patient portals.

Given that portals within the legal industry are generally simpler than medical portals, most elderly individuals will likely be able to navigate legal industry portals with ease.1

Incentives for Portal Use

The primary catalyst for the increased use of online portals was the COVID-19 pandemic. Prior to the pandemic, there was no significant reason for people to switch from in-person paperwork to online portals.

However, the necessity to limit the spread of COVID-19 made this transition essential. At the height of the pandemic, fifteen times as many people used patient portals compared to years prior to 2020.2

Upon using these portals, patients and healthcare workers discovered that portal use not only helped contain the spread of disease but also significantly reduced the amount of administrative work and associated costs that came with in-person paperwork.

This marked improvement in work and cost efficiency solidified the role of online portals in the medical industry.

Increase in Portal Use 

From 2018 to 2023, the number of elderly people using patient portals increased from 51% to 78%.

Among the online portal users surveyed, over half reported having multiple online patient portals.

A University of Michigan study revealed that:

  • 57% of elderly survey respondents were very confident in navigating their patient portals
  • While 35% were somewhat confident.3

By 2023, 79% of patients aged 50-80 preferred using a patient portal over communicating via phone to access medical information — marking a 39 percentage point increase from 2018.

Furthermore, 65% of elderly patients indicated a preference for using a patient portal over the phone when it came to sharing medical or personal information.

Medical Portals vs. Legal Portals

Legal industry portals are typically less complex than medical portals.

They do not contain the difficult characteristics that can make medical portals challenging for elderly users, such as complex vocabulary or health insurance information.

Further, the primary functions of legal portals are to allow clients to view and share information remotely, which are the two characteristics of medical portals that the elderly overwhelmingly liked.

The surge in online portal usage among the elderly, driven by the COVID-19 pandemic, has demonstrated the potential for similar success in the legal industry.

With simpler interfaces and fewer complexities, legal portals are poised to be an accessible and efficient tool for elderly users — continuing the trend of increased digital engagement among this demographic.4

CaseHQ vs. Other Client Portals

With CaseHQ, law firms provide a central hub where clients can access and complete various tasks, including e-signing documents, filling out questionnaires, uploading relevant files, and providing their medical provider contact information.

This not only simplifies the intake process but also empowers clients to stay informed about their case status 24/7, with real-time updates on the progress and upcoming steps in the legal process. 

In addition to these client functionalities, CaseHQ is compatible with other legal software. For example, Case HQ works in tandem with Mass Torts 360 to allow data entered by individual clients to be immediately stored as digestible, structured data that populates directly into your CRM, saving significant time and energy. 

Enhanced Communication & Client Empowerment

CaseHQ's case update feed enables personalized communication with clients, delivering detailed, real-time updates in the form of news feed posts.

This eliminates the need for individual phone calls and emails, saving time and resources for law firms while enhancing client engagement and trust. 

The integration of push notifications and secure messaging further enhances communication efficiency, allowing for instant, direct, and secure communication between clients and their legal teams.

Clients can manage their profiles independently, ensuring that their contact information remains up to date without requiring assistance from law firm staff. 

Advanced Features & Ongoing System Upgrades

CaseHQ also offers a range of additional features, including an intuitive onboarding experience, support for managing multiple cases within a single portal, and eventual connections to settlement partners.

With ongoing system upgrades and the flexibility to adapt to emerging litigation requirements, CaseHQ remains a forward-thinking solution for law firms seeking to optimize client management and case progression. 

CaseHQ’s ability to streamline attorney-client communication and document collection marks a significant advancement in the legal industry.


Resources Cited in Article:

1Wildenbos, G. A., Maasri, K., Jaspers, M., & Peute, L. (2018). Older adults using a patient portal: registration and experiences, one year after implementation. Digital health, 4, 2055207618797883.

2Sakaguchi-Tang, D. K., Bosold, A. L., Choi, Y. K., & Turner, A. M. (2017). Patient portal use and experience among older adults: systematic review. JMIR medical informatics 5, 4 (2017), e38.

 3The University of Michigan Institute for Healthcare Policy and Innovation. (n.d.-a). Use and Experiences with Patient Portals Among Older Adults. National Poll on Healthy Aging.

4Sakaguchi-Tang, D. K., Bosold, A. L., Choi, Y. K., & Turner, A. M. (2017). Patient Portal Use and Experience Among Older Adults: Systematic Review. JMIR medical informatics, 5(4), e38.